Somos un estudio de arquitectura con base en la Ciudad de Zacatecas y en la Ciudad de México.
Lara Arquitectos se especializa en proyectos de arquitectura, interiorismo, urbanismo y planes maestros con amplia experiencia en la región y a nivel nacional.
Creemos que los procesos creativos y de innovación siempre tienen que estar presentes en nuestra metodología sin perder la esencia y los valores más fundamentales de la arquitectura como lo son el espacio y la forma.
Como filosofía principal, creemos que la arquitectura debe de responder a cada circunstancia de cada proyecto y cliente al igual que la arquitectura debe de ser un reflejo de la sociedad actual y las ciudades contemporáneas.
Además de cumplir con la funcionalidad, estética y rentabilidad, nos interesa en una arquitectura que aporte hacia al exterior, al espacio público y al ser humano considerando el manejo espacio como la materia prima de nuestro trabajo.

Pedro Lara Rojas was born in the state of Zacatecas in 1960, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara in 1982. Founder and President of Grupo Lara in 1993, a consortium of companies in the field of architecture, real estate development , construction and industrial.
His professional career with more than 35 years of experience has been characterized by the search for urban and social improvement through real estate projects and developments over the last few years.
One of the most outstanding projects and developments during his professional career was Ciudad Gobierno Zacatecas with a constructed area of 160,000 m2. This complex, for its characteristics of architectural design, sustainability and avant-garde, was awarded with gold and platinum medals at "The International Property Awards" in London, England. In Mexico, he was awarded the "Cemex Works Award" in the Category of Services and Public Assistance. In addition and in 2011 it was nominated among the 20 best projects worldwide at the World Architecture Festival and Awards in the city of Barcelona, Spain
Like other relevant activities in the sector, Pedro Lara Rojas is a member of the board of Grupo Inmobiliario Zacatecas, a member of the board of the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, an advisory advisor to the Credit Union of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry, director of Nacional Financiera, director of BancoMext, president of the National Chamber of Housing in the State of Zacatecas and member of the State Council for Economic Development of Zacatecas.
Pedro Alberto Lara Sánchez was born in the state of Zacatecas in 1993, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Santa Fé campus in 2016. Later, he completed a master's degree in Advanced Architectural Design at the University of Navarra in 2016 at the city of Pamplona, Spain. Later he completed the MBA Diploma at IESE) Campus Pedralbes, Barcelona Spain.
In his professional career he had the opportunity to work in Mexican studios such as Arditti Arquitectos, Serrano Monjaraz Arquitectos and Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos. In the same way, he had work experience in the Spanish promoter Sacresa in the city of Barcelona.
Actualmente es Director de Arquitectura en Lara Arquitectos y Director adjunto de Grupo Lara.