The intervention of the project has to do with an expansion and adaptation to the chapel of the old Bernárdez hacienda that dates from approximately the 18th century in the municipality of Guadalupe, Zacatecas. The land with an area of 1,500 m2 is located to the north of the Lomas de Bernardez residential area, adjacent to the current Chapel and the golf course.
The main intention of the project is the generation of a building that integrates with the existing without detracting from the architecture of the Chapel and the predominant finish of the site that is formed by means of stone and quarry materials of the time.
The project proposes some fundamental values such as adaptation to the context by reading its buttresses and axial composition, replicating the same morphology to the new project of the crypts. On the other hand, the recognition and linking of the heights of the chapel are part of the design process to create an urban image that has a visual and volumetric continuity. In the same way, another fundamental value of the project has to do with the visual openness and its relationship from the inside to the golf course that generates a spatial amplitude and link with nature.
The architectural proposal is made up of three volumes of different heights covered with stone materials and natural light that, through their axial and diagonal position, make up a main double-height interior space. The crypt rooms that revolve around this main space, make up transitions between these same rooms that generate routes with changes in height and spatial sensations.